Satish Kumbhar Podcast
” Hi I am Satish kumbhar the founder of Money Mindsets Hub and I am on a mission to educate and inspire 100000 working professionals entering in corporate world understand the psychology of money and to live in their higher self based on courage ,purpose and joy versus fear ,need and Obligation ”

Satish Kumbhar
Hi I am Satish Kumbhar ,founder of Money Mindsets Hub and I am on a mission to educate and inspire 100000 working professionals in corporate world understand the psychology of money and to live in their higher self based on Courage,Purpose and Joy versus Fear,Need and Obligation

Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
There are two kinds of people.
In life there are dreamers, and there those I call the risk takers.
Today I will tell you the difference between a dreamer and those who take risks.
A dreamer only dreams and stops dreaming when the going gets tough.
Do you know what risk takers do?
They tell their tough to keep going. YES. They tell their tough to keep going!
The question is, are you a dreamer or a risk taker?
When others go to sleep, keep on pushing for your dream.
When others quit,keep going.
Keep climbing the ladder of success when no one else believes in you.
Everyone was born to dream. Not all will love to take risk.
It is not enough to be a dreamer. Being a dreamer will not make you rich. Being a dreamer will not make you successful in life. It is absolutely not enough to be a dreamer because everyone was born with that thing call a dream.
Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs to mention a few. These are the risk takers. Those are men who left everything they had for their dreams.
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Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
We live in a fast-paced world. Technology has never been so accessible, and the ease at which we can work and create has never been greater.
But with great power comes great responsibility, distractions are more numerous than ever, we’ve gone from the radio to TV to smart phone. There’s a reason they used to call the TV the ‘idiot box’.
You must be smarter than your smartphone or you will get less done than ever before.
As Jim Kwik said,
“A lot off people give away their sovereignty and their power first thing in the morning”
Check out 5 Reasons to work out before checking your emails and social media
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Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Friends we all love aur family and friends but do you love yourself and your life that almighty God has given you .Life is every moment.its true that challenges and problems will be the obstacles and disturbs our life due to which lose hopes and quit living life.face the problems don't be scared
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Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Story of a lazy man that will exactly tell you what happens when we are lazy and what can happen with us .
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Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Don't be dependent on others to complete your own task .Do it by your self coz no one can complete the task as you can in a better way .
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Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
We all dream about so many things in life but it does not get real because we don't try or give in all our efforts in achieving those dreams
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Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
We all have life in different size and different format .we need find a solution and that solution cannot be temporary it has to be perfect and permanent.For that we like a.shark not like a small bait fish 🐠 consider.your self as a shark and start acting like that.
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Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Two guru mantras coming straight from heart .The first one Time and second one Pateint .These both are very important in our life .
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Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
In this inspiring story you will understand that success lies within you.stop searching it outside .you are just wasting your time and money.listen to this story and you will definately gain some message.
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Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
If you want to succeed in life keep learning it every moment as if you are still in school. there are new changes and new developments happening here each day, if we forget to consider a self omniscent then we will fall behind in the race of life. Because the person who wins in this race is the one who keeps running continuously who gave up running his defeat is certain full stop so keep the age of learning in yourself then any change no fluctuation can stop you from moving forward.
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